Now Accepting New Patients


You're in great hands

Vitalia ensures all her new patients feel welcome, safe, and empowered with their health decisions. During your first visit, a thorough medical history will be taken as well as discussion of treatment goals. Once an oral history is completed, you will be asked to stand, sit, walk for various tests that require palpation. Pain may be elicited/recreated quickly for Vitalia to interpret a clinical impression, however, care will be taken to keep you comfortable. There will be some time near the end to perform treatment. A unique treatment plan will be created based on your assessment and how you adapt to the first treatment. Please keep in mind Osteopathy is hands on for both the assessment and treatment portion. Please wear comfortable clothing such as shorts & t-shirt, tank, yoga pants etc. Natural fibres are best. Especially during the first appointment we will want to see knees, ankles, hips, spinal curve, shoulders, neck etc.

We keep your privacy safe and utilize an online booking system that is compliant with Canada’s Privacy requirements.


Billing Information

Vitalia is a registered Manual Osteopath. (RMO) and has two numbers to submit to insurance via the receipt. Benefits may or may not include Osteopathy and it’s the patients responsibility to check with their providers. Manulife, Sunlife, Greenshield, some Blue Cross plans (not all), SSQ, Equilife and more have approved previous patients.

For the self employed, there are CRA approved companies which act like insurance. Information can be provided upon request.

Direct billing is not provided, all services are to be paid immediately and an online receipt will be sent for the patient to submit.

Book now by clicking on the “Book Online!” button

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Use this form to get in touch. Or scroll down and find the large orange button to book now!